
Deluxe Storm Trooper

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Rental includes:

Helmet - High quality plastic helmet with tinted lenses for the wearer to see through.
Chest Armor - Molded plastic chestpiece with an attached belt and codpiece. The armor reaches around the shoulders.
Back Armor - Molded plastic two-piece back covering.
Shoulder Armor - Molded plastic pieces that fit over the shoulders. They attach to the chest armor with heavy Velcro.
Gauntlets - Molded plastic three-piece arm gauntlets that cover the biceps, forearms, and hands.
Thigh Armor - Molded plastic thigh pieces that fit around the legs and attach to the chest armor with heavy Velcro.
Shin Guards - Molded plastic shin guards that fit around the legs and Velcro together at the back of the legs.
Bodysuit - A one-piece black jumpsuit that fits on under the rest of the costume. There are strips of Velcro to attach to elements of the body armor.
Gloves - Black gloves with Velcro to attach to the gauntlets/hand armor.

Please note that due to the Deluxe Storm Trooper costume's size and fragility, we are unable to ship this costume.

Please contact us for sizing information.

Rental Code: B8-DSTORMT star wars george lucas 

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