
Deluxe Eagle

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Rental includes:

Head - Lightweight foam white fur head with a large orange fur beak that has a black mesh backing that the wearer can see through. There are orange-yellow eyes. The head rests on the wearers shoulders and has an adjustable strap inside.
Body - Shaggy brown fur suit with attached wings that cover the hands. The suit reaches down to roughly knee length.
Tights- Thick, opaque yellow tights.
Foot Covers - Brown shaggy foot covers shaped to look like an eagle's feet. Foot covers fit on over regular shoes and have an elasticized strap to go around the bottom of shoes. They give the illusion of mascot feet while still allowing the wearer to use their own shoes underneath.

Please contact us for sizing information.

Rental Code: N3-DLXEAGLE patriotic july 4th fourth eagle bird parade mascot uncle sam

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